Governors Information
Governors work with the headteacher and staff to make sure that Ysgol Penmaes provides effective and successful teaching and learning for all of our learners and to help raise standards.
The governing body is accountable to parents, the local authority (Powys County Council) and the local community for what they do, for the results they achieve and for the way in which they use our resources.
Our governing body meets on a half termly basis, with additional sub-committee meetings throughout the year. Our governors work with the headteacher and staff to fulfil 3 key roles. These are:
Strategic role - relating to the school's aims, developing policies, targets and monitoring to see if these are achieved;
"Critical friend" role - such as acting as a sounding board for ideas, offering support and constructive advice;
Accountable role - where governors must be prepared to explain their decisions and actions to anyone who has a legitimate interest in the school such as the local authority, parents/carers etc.
The role of Governors in Ysgol Penmaes School includes the following tasks:
Agree the school's aims, values and policies;
Contribute to and approve the school development plan;
Approve and monitor the school budget;
Make sure that the curriculum is taught and that there are enough staff to teach it;
Monitor and review the school's progress towards targets;
Ensure that pupils' needs are met;
Recruit and select staff (in partnerships with the School Council);
Provide parents and carers with information on the school;
Develop action plans after an Estyn inspection;
Promote the school's commitment towards"healthy eating";
Develop and maintain positive links with local businesses and the community;
Support the day-to-day decisions taken by the headteacher;
Promote and enhance the effectiveness of the governing body.
The governors for safeguarding at Ysgol Penmaes are: Ms. Clancy Brett and Mrs Jennifer Miller
The lead for safeguarding in Powys County Council is: Michael Gedrim